What is fine art school photography?
Fine art school photography is a high-end, personal, and professional school photography experience that more and more schools are opting in for. The pricing is competitive with the typical school photography that we are all familiar with, but the experience is more personal and professional and the product is far superior. Think of this as the boutique version of school photography as opposed to the department store version.
What is a fine art school portrait?
Fine art school portraits are a modern approach to school photos. Children are encouraged to be themselves, smile or not. No stiff posing and no trendy, weird backgrounds or props. The background will be black and the photos will be simple and classic. We cut all of the fluff and feature your beautiful child, just as they are.
What should my child wear?
Please avoid graphics or neon clothing. Solid colors are best and all photos are from the shoulders up. I encourage families to avoid extra accessories when helping your child dress, but of course allow them to be themselves.
How will I order?
Within two weeks of your child's photo day, you will be e-mailed the link to a class proofing gallery, your child will have a private, password-protected gallery (your school will distribute passwords). There will be 2-5 images of each child. Images will be in both color and black and white. I do not choose which photos you print, you do. You will be able to order. There is a variety of boutique prints, packages and products. The ordering process is simple and secure. Each parent who has entered the gallery will have a private shopping cart to order from. Digital products are delivered to your email, printed products will be delivered to your school to be distributed.
We respect your child's privacy. No images are shared online or otherwise without parental permission.