WHEN SHOULD I LET MY NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHER KNOW I’m ready for newborn pictures | Spokane Newborn Photographer
When should I let my newborn photographer know that I am ready for my newborn pictures? I have been a newborn photographer in Spokane for around a decade now, and I can tell you that the answer to this question is a little bit different for everyone. Here’s what I think is best.
Don’t call your photographer when you go into labor.
Save that call for your mom :) Your newborn photographer doesn’t need to know the second you go into labor, your birth photographer and fresh 48 photographer might, but that’s a conversation for a different day. Birth can be long and you may not be ready to have pictures taken right away and that’s okay. Save your energy and focus on your birth experience rather than letting your photographer know that your baby is about to arrive. I ask for your due date with the assumption that baby will arrive within two weeks on either side of that date and that’s enough for me until you’re ready for me to come over.
Newborn pictures come out best in the first 5-15 days postpartum.
I recommend having newborn pictures taken within 5-15 days postpartum. That is when the finer newborn details are still there and your baby is still pretty sleepy (in most cases). The long term sleep deprivation hasn’t set in quite yet for the parents (usually) and everyone is still riding the high of “we have a brand new baby! Holy cow!” Once you get home from the hospital and are feeling a bit settled, is a great time to reach out to your newborn photographer to schedule a date for your pictures. I am very careful about not scheduling too many photoshoots in any given week so that I have plenty of flexibility to slide a newborn photoshoot into my schedule.
Call when you feel ready to have a photographer in your postpartum space.
The way we make decisions changes after our baby is born. Our needs change when we transition into postpartum from pregnancy and that is good and natural. You will not know how you will feel postpartum until you are there. Give yourself the gift of grace and wait until you are ready to invite your photographer into your postpartum space. Get settled with your new baby, it is not a race.
Call when you feel you can get up and get showered reasonably comfortably.
Fresh postpartum moms are often swollen, tired, sore and sometimes weepy. I recommend waiting to have your newborn pictures done until you can reasonably and comfortably get showered and prettied up. I want you to feel confident and beautiful in your pictures, because my gosh you deserve it. You worked so hard to bring your baby here and I want to honor you.
Looking for a newborn photographer in Spokane, Wa who specializes in newborn pictures at home? Now booking.