Are maternity photos worth it? | SPOKANE’s TOP FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER WEIGHs In
Maternity photos are absolutely worth it and I’m not just staying that because I am a photographer trying to sell you on it. Here is why I believe maternity photos are worthwhile, especially when done right.
When maternity photos are done right, they capture a fleeting moment in time. The best way to do this in my opinion is to keep the wardrobe to a minimum and involve the entire immediate family, much like family photos. When I say keep wardrobe to a minimum, I mean dress somewhat casually. We’ve all seen the maternity photos which the huge fluffy princess gowns and weird props, this takes the photos more in a fantasy direction rather than a reality direction. I believe moms-to-be should dress mostly like themselves (we all want to dress up a little for photos, to look our best obvi), but dressing in a more realistic way really preserves the memory of a time when your body was doing incredible things, when you were in your transformation from maiden to mother. The next thing that I believe makes maternity photos more meaning fun is involving the rest of the immediate family, so dad and other siblings. As much a I love a good solo maternity photo, this transformation involves the entire family. No one in the family is left the same as a new baby enters the world. Involving the rest of the family preserves the season before the new baby has arrived. This gives the whole family something to anchor into as the transition of the family growing works through the whole family.
Are good photos an investment? YES, of course they are! I can’t tell you the number of moms I’ve encountered who did not take any photos or had poorly done photos and the regret they felt. Please do it and if you’re going to do it, hire the best photographer you can afford. You’re preserving a memory for many generations. Someday your baby might be having a baby and will wonder what it was like for you, pictures say it all.
One more pro-tip for you. When I take both maternity and newborn photos for a family, I include both sets of photos in a beautiful pre-designed album for the family. This puts your memories in print and can work like a baby book for your baby if you’re not the type to write one up. I recommend that moms write their baby a letter and stick it into the album for their future child to read.
If your’e ready to book your maternity session or you’d like more information, you can contact me via the button below.